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The following is an action plan you and your family can follow to set you up to have any opportunity you desire after high school. We will revisit this plan each year, but we want to give you a game plan so you feel prepared to make the best choices to reach your goals.

What you should be doing now…

  • Practice good time management and study skills to keep good grades. Use a calendar to keep track of assignments & deadlines. Staying organized helps. Remember - every class counts!

  • Either get or stay involved with extracurricular activities, clubs, leadership roles and community service. These will help on college and scholarship applications and they are a lot of fun!

  • Look at and modify your 4–year educational plan to help you reach your goals for after high school. The counselors will help you with this through Xello.

  • Take the PSAT test in October. This is a practice test for the SAT which is one of the required 4-year college admissions tests. 11th graders are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program through the PSAT. 

  • Take the actual SAT and/or ACT in the spring. These are required for admission into 4-year universities. 

  • Register for the NCAA Clearinghouse if you are interested in participating in college athletics.

  • Start considering colleges and majors you are interested in and make a point to start visiting some campuses. It is important to get a feel for as many campuses as you can so start early!

  • Scholarship search time! Visit the scholarship page on the MHS website, and talk to your counselor. 

  • Begin thinking about adults who would be willing to write letters of recommendation for you for college and scholarship applications. Plan ahead and ask early!!! And write a thank-you note!

In the spring...

  • Choose classes for next year that will make you eligible for admission to a 4-year college right after high school. Make sure you meet your Fine Art requirement next year if you have not yet done so, as well as continuing in your Math, Science and World Language classes. Challenge yourself but be realistic.

  • If you earned an F in a class, make sure to sign up for summer school to retake the class.

Nominations to United States Service Academies & Summer Seminars

US Service Academy nomination steps

Summer Academies:

Programs are established for the junior going into your senior year

If you are wanting to get a preview to an Academy, utilize the links below for more information: