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Academic Departments

Academic Departments

  • Grades: 9-12     Credit: .5 or 1.0

    In the DLL student can complete:

    Credit recovery

    Prescriptive Classes:  These classes are designed to meet specific content needs, through a pre-evaluation in that content area.  The grade earned in the prescriptive class will replace the failing grade.

    Credit acquisition
    Sequential Classes: These classes guide students through all elements of the lesson and require students to master content before moving on. Sequential course are designed for first-time instruction.  

    Prescriptive or sequential classes cannot be taken to replace a passing grade nor do they meet NCAA eligibility requirements.

    Manhattan Virtual Academy:  MVA classes can replace a failing or passing grade.  See MVA guidance counselor, Cindy Schultz.

    Virtual Dual Credit Course: Post secondary courses from an accredited college or university where the student will receive both high school and college credit.  See College & Career Counselor, Katie Ball.

    Please note: courses do count toward high school graduation requirements. Some core courses meet the guidelines for the Kansas State Board of Regents suggested curriculum. Digital Learning Lab courses do not meet NCAA requirements for eligibility.

    Classes offered:

    • Algebra 1
    • Algebra 1 A & B
    • Algebra 2 A & B
    • English 9-12 A & B
    • Biology A & B
    • Chemistry A & B
    • Earth Sciences A & B
    • Economics
    • Environmental Science
    • Geography A & B
    • Geometry A & B
    • Government
    • Health
    • Integrated Math 1 A & B
    • Integrated Math 2 A & B
    • Integrated Math 3 A & B
    • Integrated Math 4 A & B
    • Physical Science – Chemistry
    • Physical Science – Physics
    • Public Speaking
    • Statistics
    • U.S History A & B
    • World History A & B
    • Art 1: World Cultures
    • Physical Education v14
    • Introduction to Sociology
    • Music Appreciation
    • Psychology

    Click the link below for the Digital Learning Lab:

    For more information contact:

    David Holloway
    Assistant Principal


    Rod Robison
    785-587-2100 ext. 8120

    Sara Patterson
    785-587-2100 ext. 8120

  • The mission of the English Language Arts Department is to help students develop the communication skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking in order to become contributing members of a democratic society.

    The following overarching Essential Questions support our mission and guide instruction at each grade level:

    • Why does language matter?

    • Why do we read?

    • Why do the rules of language matter?

    • Why is it important to speak well and listen well?

    • Why do we write?

    • How do English Language Arts promote critical thought and communication?


  • The Math Department at Manhattan High School offers a comprehensive program focused on the sequential development of learning the Kansas Math Standards.   

    Our primary goal is to facilitate the development of students so that they may reach their full potential. We also have rich offerings of Advanced Placement Math classes where our students consistently pass the AP Exam at a higher rate than nationally.  The math department will provide opportunities and challenges for students to achieve the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will prepare them for post secondary opportunities.


  • Welcome to the MHS Performing Arts Department - where “Performance is good”!

    Mission Statement:

    The purpose of the Manhattan High School Performing Arts department is to support the Manhattan High School as well as the USD #383 mission of educating the whole learner by way of the performing arts. We will empower our learners to develop their creativity in all aspects of their lives and to become lifelong contributors to the local and global community through the arts.

    Performing Arts Learners:

    • understand that problems can have more than one solution.
    • make sound judgments about qualitative relationships.
    • know that there are many ways to see and interpret the world.
    • utilize complex forms of problem solving.
    • know that the limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition.
    • understand how to “speak” without words.
    • can connect on a global level to other academic and world disciplines.
    • are more likely to seek degrees of higher education.
    • score higher on standardized tests.
    • are sought out by employers due to their collaborative and communicative skills.
    • are sought out by colleges and universities, since they are diverse learners.

  • The Physical Education Program at Manhattan High School is a comprehensive developmental program focused on the education of the mental, physical and social well - being of each individual. Our primary goal is to facilitate the development of students so that they may reach their full potential.  The physical education program will provide opportunities for students to achieve the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will allow them to attain an optimal quality of life and well-being. 


  • The science department at Manhattan High School is proud to offer a variety of physical and life science courses to its students. Beginning with biology during the freshmen year, our classes build upon previous knowledge and emphasize inquiry learning. Our well equipped classrooms utilize cutting edge technology. For the more advanced students we offer AP Biology, AP Physics, AP Environmental, and AP Chemistry. The opportunity also exists for students to complete research projects with researchers at Kansas State University.  

    The majority of our science faculty hold advanced degrees, and also have practical experience in the field. We approach science with a real world point-of-view, and hope to impart some of that love of science to our students.


  • The Social Studies Department at Manhattan High School is committed to providing all students with the opportunity to think deeper about the world in which they live. We strive to produce students who are effective communicators, complex thinkers, and collaborative workers. Students have the opportunity to take both required classes such as World History, U.S. History, and Government as well as a variety of elective classes within our department. There is also the opportunity to take Advanced Placement classes and dual credit classes offered through Manhattan Area Technical College.


  • The goal of special education is to facilitate appropriate educational opportunities for students with diverse learning needs and abilities.  We accomplished this through partnership with families and collaboration with general education to provide a continuum of services delivered in the least restrictive environment.  By working together we can ensure that our students are identified as early as possible and receive the special education services they need through an individualized education plan (IEP).

    For more information on USD 383 Special Education and Student Support Services, including additional information and resources, please visit the Special Education Department web page.


  • The Visual Arts Department at Manhattan High School offers a wide variety of studio production courses. These courses are structured using specific projects to ensure students acquire knowledge of techniques and vocabulary needed to progress to a more advanced class. Along with the production of artwork, students are introduced to the elements and principles of design, art history, and formal critique. Our goal, ultimately, is to ensure that students are well prepared by the curriculum so that they could succeed in a college level course of that subject. 


  • Why study a World Language? 

    "For our students to succeed in a global economy, they will need to possess a new set of skills that were not required for theDecorative photo with success of prior generations of Americans.  Regional expertise, cross-cultural competence, and advanced language proficiency are no longer skills reserved only for those who plan for a career overseas - they are skills that will enhance any career field, encourage international investment to our state, and develop a workforce that is successful in working on diverse international teams to collaborate and solve global problems.  Developing international perspective and advanced language proficiency, particularly as this relates to college and career readiness, will ensure our nation's security and will support our statewide and regional economic development goals.  Business leaders ... have made it clear that these skills are the fastest route to success in a global job market and that they provide a competitive advantage that moves an applicant's resume to the top of the pile."

    Source: Georgia Department of Education

    Our Content Areas and Courses

    • French
      • French 1
      • French 2
      • French 3
      • AP French Language & Culture
    • German
      • German 1 
      • German 2
      • German 3 
      • AP German Language & Culture
    • Spanish
      • Spanish 1 
      • Spanish 2 
      • Spanish 3
      • Advanced Spanish 3
      • Spanish 4
      • AP Spanish Language & Culture
      • AP Spanish Literature & Culture
      • Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1
      • Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2

    MHS Canvas Page

    Seal of Biliteracy Information

    In May 2016, the Kansas State Board of Education adopted a Seal of Biliteracy for students demonstrating proficiency in one (or more) languages, in addition to English.  The seal is a certificate of accomplishment that is awarded by the state and received upon high school graduation. It recognizes a student's readiness for career, college, and for engagement as a global citizen.

    By obtaining the Seal of Biliteracy, students will have a competitive edge in the job market, can use it at the university level to fulfill course requirements, and it should be proudly mentioned on resumes and job/college applications.

    In order to qualify for the seal, students will need to plan to enroll in an AP world language course by their senior year and complete a validated test (such as the AP exam), which MHS offers in French, German and Spanish.  There are other assessment options as well, especially for other world/home languages. Interested parents/students should contact Elke Lorenz (German)Andrea Platt (French), and/or Carmen Elizabeth Wilson (Spanish).


Career and Technical Education

decorative logo of CTECareer and Technical Education (CTE) classes provide students with engaging experiences that make education matter both in the classroom and in their future career.  CTE pathways provide instruction in academic knowledge, technical training and employability skills that align to the workforce needs of Kansas and assist students to be college and career ready.  Academic content is often accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.

CTE at Manhattan High School includes the areas traditionally known as Agriculture, Automotive, Business, Construction, Culinary, Drafting, Family and Consumer Science, Finance, Information Technology, Journalism, Programming, and Welding.

We offer students 94 CTE courses in 17 approved pathways.  Course offerings include 19 concurrent courses with Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC).  Fifteen of those courses are free to qualifying MHS students with the Excel in CTE program.


CTE Links


CTE Pathways at MHS

  • Agriculture Pathways:

    • Animal Science
    • Comprehensive Agricultural Science
    • Power, Structural and Technical Systems


    agriculture programs of study

  • BPA:

  • Family and Consumer Science Pathways:

    • Early Childhood Development and Services
    • Family, Community, and Consumer Services
    • Restaurant and Event Management (Culinary)
    • Teaching and Training
    • Visual Arts: Fashion, Apparel, and Interior Design

    FACS programs of study

  • Industrial Technology Pathways:

    • Construction and Design (CAD and Woods)
    • Mobile Equipment Maintenance (Automotive)


    industrial technology programs of study

  • Journalism Pathway:

    • Digital Media

    The Mentor:

    journalism program of study